
Latest news / updates: Let us know if you need a lift between the station - church - hall!


Felicity's Baptism

Corpus Christi Church

HP23 6BA

(Google Maps)

12:30 ish

Birthday Party

Wilstone Village Hall

HP23 4PE

(Google Maps)


House Warming

The Old Cowhouse

HP23 4PF

(Google Maps)

Please feel free to join for whatever portions your diary allows!

  • 11:30 Baptism

  • 12:00 Photos

  • 12:30 Drinks, nibbles and kids' food upon arrival at the village hall

  • 1:30 Adult food

  • 3:30 Tea and cake

  • Then move to the house warming

There is parking via the driveway on the lefthand side of the church.

Travelling from the church to the village hall is a 6-minute drive:

  • Turn right out of the church, straight over the roundabout, until you come to a t-junction at minute 2

  • Turn right

  • First left

  • Don't crash: at minute 4 you'll be on a 60mph 'straight road' that should give way to a road from the right

  • Turn right at minute 5, just after the farm shop, into Wilstone village

  • Acquire the target: there's only one road through the village; if you leave the village, you've gone too far.

Do bring trainers if the weather is good - lots of games will be set up in the hall and adjoining park!

Soft play area for infants. Giant jenga, connect-4, etc for bigger kids (+BYOG!)

Eventually we'll walk the 100 yards to our house for a belated house warming party.

Let us know if you want to stay over and we'll figure it out.

A bulk delivery of bacon sandwiches and Sunday papers is scheduled for 9am the next morning from the village shop.